Monday, December 14, 2009

The Groundswell of Excitement Continues


"So you stole evidence from a crime scene and thus made it impermissible in trial?"

"Well, the important thing is that we used rubber gloves! And baggies!"

"Why didn't you say so in the first place? That makes all the difference! By the way, do you still have that hot secretary? If we could get a gratuitous close-up of her sexy eyelashes and hooker rings, that might make this episode halfway interesting."

"Not a problem!"

Also, there's a Sunday Strip:

Since some papers don't carry the Sunday strip, they can't run anything important that they don't recap the next day, so you can actually skip the Sunday strip and not miss anything. Sort of like every other day in Judge Parker. However, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Sam's new strategy of wearing reading glasses and going through a stack of yellowish papers to make him look more legit as a lawyer. Also, I'd be severely remiss if I didn't mention ANDROGYNOUS COP PERSON in the penultimate panel.

Oh, and Sam has apparently already solved the case, based on one scuffle with a bodyguard and the "public records" Gloria downloaded off of TMZ.

And Today's exciting episode:

Sam: Gloria, make sure Lt. Yelich's stooge signs for this. If we're going to participate in this level of corruption, we're going to at least make sure to leave an extensive paper trail documenting all of our misdeeds.

Gloria: Right-o. I'll just lounge around sexily while I wait. Maybe I'll even search for more "public records" while I'm at it.

Steve: Hey, I was mostly in the room for the majority of your conversation last week about the widow D'Vito and her rasslin' bodyguard, but could you go over it again? If there's one thing our readers can't get enough of, it's lawyers recapping the same conversation repeatedly in their office.

Sam: No problemo. Maybe we can call Lt. Yelich and tell him we stole some evidence while we're at it!

Tomorrow: Sam and Steve continue talking.

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